2012: Earth's moving magnetic pole

Now for the Physical evidence:

The earth's magnetic north pole has migrated 1,000 km north in the past 100 years (http://www.geolab.nrcan.gc.ca/geomag/e_nmpole.html).The earth's magnetic field has been weakening for the past 2,000 years (http://earth.agu.org/sci_soc/hoffman.html), and has weakened by 8% in the past 150 years (http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tworx365.htm ). Assuming a weakening of 1% every 19 years, this means that it would now be less than zero - so it must have been more rapid in the past 150 years. In other words, things are accelerating! The sun's coronal magnetic flux has doubled in the past century (http://www.wdc.rl.ac.uk/wdcc1/papers/nature.html ).

The last sunspot cycle ended with a bang, with THE most powerful flare ever (an X-20 class CME on April 15, 2001) and the second highest sunspot number in the past 400 years (

2012: The Mayan prophecy

The Mayans say : Catastrophie leading to a New World Age

Now, about Mayan Time : John Major Jenkins, author of Mayan Cosmogenesis seems to be the best authority. The Mayan method of reckoning time is amazingly intricate and accurate, and even accounts for the precession of the equinoxes. There are many highly educated and scholarly people who study the Mayan calendar - there is even an Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, Florida.Jenkins believes that human civilization is passing through an era of great transformation. "When the solstice meridian [aligns with] the Galactic [Center - on December 21, 2012], a rare era in the earth's journey is engaged. How does this affect human society? Maybe it sets the stage for earthquakes and volcanoes and pole shifts and so forth – the recurring Atlantean cataclysm mythos may be based in this 26,000 cycle. The winter solstice meridian [on December 21, 2012] will coincide with the Galactic [Center of] the Milky Way.

There are two more celestial features right near where the sun will be on the end-date in 2012 A.D.:
1). The'dark rift' which the Maya call 'the road to the underworld.' This is a dark area running along part of the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds; and
2) The Galactic Center.

In many mythological contexts, the 'dark-rift' is understood to be the birth canal of the Great Mother, the Milky Way. It is the birth place of the next World Age. The celestial cross defined by the Milky Way crossing over the ecliptic is also important, and this was recently identified by Mayan scholar Linda Schele as the Mayan Sacred Tree. The heart of the four-directional symbolism is the fifth direction, the center. This is the navel and source of creation. And again, the 'dark-rift' runs through all these features."

For more on the Maya Cosmogenesis, you can start with (http://www.levity.com/eschaton/Why2012.html) or (http://edj.net/mc2012/robpaul.htm)

2012 – UFO visit from M15 Globular Star Cluster

The UFOs are coming ...

M15 Star Cluster is the densest part of the universe and is also the source of largest density of Black Holes and gateway to many other Universes and the source of huge concentration of dark matters. M15 is about 28 to 30 light-years across.

This mosaic of the globular cluster M15 (fifteenth object in the Messier catalog of star clusters and nebulae) contains over 30,000 stars.The density of stars rises all the way into the cluster center. Careful analysis of the distribution of these stars suggest that at some point in the distant past, the stars converged on M15's core, like bees swarming to their hive. This runaway collapse, long theorized by researchers but never seen in such detail, may have lasted a few million years--a flash in the 12-billion-year life of the cluster. A precise reading of the speeds at which stars move near M15's core would reveal whether the stars are packed so tightly because of the influence of a single massive object, or simply by their own mutual attraction. Stars would orbit more quickly in the gravitational grip of a black hole, which would be several thousand times more massive than our sun.

UFO researchers now believe that the aliens from this star cluster who visit us regularly will finally in 2012 expose themselves to us. They are preparing for the totally astounding event for a long time.

2012: Converging science and metaphysics ..

For all who are wondering - "what's so special about 2012?"

2012 appears to be in a time in the earth's history where not only are both human and geological events are speeding up, but the rate at which they are speeding up is speeding up. It's fractal time. At the current rate, the next 10 years will bring about changes so rapidly that we will experience a GLOBAL PARADIGM SHIFT. There is a virtual mountain of evidence out there - both physical and metaphysical, some credible and some incredible, that suggests we are approaching an unprecedented breakthrough on a planetary scale. Some views are cataclysmic, others are a bit more rosy. The truth may lie somewhere in between...

First, the metaphysical evidence:

As part of his Novelty Theory, the late Terence McKenna devised a graph which attempted to quantify history by plotting 'novelty' and 'habit' against time - as far back as 7 billion years. This graph, which he referred to as "the eschaton mathematically formalized," is generally known as Time Wave Zero or Fractal Time. The graph shows history repeating itself in ever-decreasing intervals until the last several billion years are compressed into a mere fraction of a second as we fall over the lip of the event horizon. Although his criteria were rather subjective, the graph nevertheless shows an interesting correlation between sudden increases in novelty and mass extinctions. The graph has been extensively analyzed, with mixed reactions. He has his supporters and detractors, but regardless of whether the Time Wave is empirically sound or not, his Novelty Theory is both compelling and elegant. The most interesting thing about the TWZ graph, however, is that it predicts that novelty will become immeasurably great on December 21, 2012. Apparently this end-date was discovered before Terence became aware that the Mayan Long Count of 5,125 years ended on the same date - winter solstice of 2012.

For more about Terence McKenna, you can go to his home page and explore from there: (

The Singularity, the Quickening, the Cosmogenesis, a period of exponential change - the New Age, the New World Order, Times of High Strangeness, the Hunab Ku, Kali Yuga, I Ching, ancient prophecies and predictions - it seems that we are witnessing the culmination of a Global Paradigm Shift.
This is a time where technological and global changes are happening faster than we can track them. The convergence of science and 'metaphysics' is gathering towards some kind of critical mass. Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence are on the cutting edge of Accelerating Change.

Scott Mandelker, Ph.D.:Dr. Mandelker discusses, among other things, exponential changes taking place in our solar system culminating in a "Global Shift" on or before 2012. " The end of this century and the beginning of the next will treat mankind to: an unprecedented, rapid decay of current civilization followed by an equally stupendous rebirth, with long-term implications beyond our wildest dreams.
Ultimately, expect wondrous things for Earth and her people, but before that happens, a profound Dark Night of the Soul will shake humanity to its roots. In the language of Wall Street, I think we can look forward to some major 'corrections' on many levels: personal, collective, and metaphysical." More at (http://www.universal-vision.com)

David Wilcock: "We strive to completely redefine human scientific understanding by proposing an integrated zero-point energy or 'aether' cosmology, backed with credible experimental research evidence. In this model, anti-gravity and free energy technologies are easily explainable. Furthermore, this new cosmology can clearly and scientifically prove that a dimensional shift will occur on Earth on or before 2012. This work is not "channeled" material - it comes from years of our director David Wilcock's rigorous scientific and metaphysical research.
This multi-disciplinary information, featured in the Convergence series, is tantamount to the"Holy Grail" of New Age teachings, and is of enormous religious and scientific significance to humanity. More at (http://www.ascension2000.com)

Art Bell: The "Quickening" is more than an Earth-Sun interaction; it is occurring throughout the Solar System, as we move into a more energetic area of intergalactic space. More at (http://www.artbell.com) Lawrence C. Hagerty's on-line book, "The Spirit of the Internet: Volume I: Speculations on the Evolution of Global Consciousness." This is an amazing book!!! (http://www.matrixmasters.com/spirit/html/html.html)

Raymond Kurzweil: "The Singularity Is Near... We will not experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century; rather we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress... Accelerating technology will lead to superhuman machine intelligence that will soon exceed human intelligence, probably by the year 2030. The results on the other side of the 'event horizon' are unpredictable." A very high-tech site, with lots of graphs quantifying exponential changes in technology and evolution (http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?m=1)

The chronicle starts ...

What is the fascination behind the year 2012? What does it mean for us?

Chronicle of the various theories, stories, myths and fantasies of 2012 ..

A lot is supposed to happen in 2012. Poles will reverse, UFOs will reveal themselves, science and metaphysics will converge and a big astounding event (or events!) may change our lives forever.

Is this is an attempt to put some structure in the chaos about 2012 ? Maybe not. Only 2012 will reveal the truth behind the prophecies. But ever since I got hooked to the Orion Prophecy about 2012, I have collected information - official and unofficial, titbits of phrases and filtered them to be presented in these pages.

Whenever possible, I have bought books that refer to 2012, and read and reread them - till I can make my own judgement about the authors understanding of the matter.

I will keep updating this blog, adding more information - as and when it comes... and would like the reader to email me as well about any new understandings in the matter. I will follow-up and upload the same if it passes through the filters of logic, basis and understanding ..

This might just be the one-point
source to all there is to the 'Mystery Behind 2012' ..