2012 – UFO visit from M15 Globular Star Cluster

The UFOs are coming ...

M15 Star Cluster is the densest part of the universe and is also the source of largest density of Black Holes and gateway to many other Universes and the source of huge concentration of dark matters. M15 is about 28 to 30 light-years across.

This mosaic of the globular cluster M15 (fifteenth object in the Messier catalog of star clusters and nebulae) contains over 30,000 stars.The density of stars rises all the way into the cluster center. Careful analysis of the distribution of these stars suggest that at some point in the distant past, the stars converged on M15's core, like bees swarming to their hive. This runaway collapse, long theorized by researchers but never seen in such detail, may have lasted a few million years--a flash in the 12-billion-year life of the cluster. A precise reading of the speeds at which stars move near M15's core would reveal whether the stars are packed so tightly because of the influence of a single massive object, or simply by their own mutual attraction. Stars would orbit more quickly in the gravitational grip of a black hole, which would be several thousand times more massive than our sun.

UFO researchers now believe that the aliens from this star cluster who visit us regularly will finally in 2012 expose themselves to us. They are preparing for the totally astounding event for a long time.