Now, about Mayan Time : John Major Jenkins, author of Mayan Cosmogenesis seems to be the best authority. The Mayan method of reckoning time is amazingly intricate and accurate, and even accounts for the precession of the equinoxes. There are many highly educated and scholarly people who study the Mayan calendar - there is even an Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, Florida.Jenkins believes that human civilization is passing through an era of great transformation. "When the solstice meridian [aligns with] the Galactic [Center - on December 21, 2012], a rare era in the earth's journey is engaged. How does this affect human society? Maybe it sets the stage for earthquakes and volcanoes and pole shifts and so forth – the recurring Atlantean cataclysm mythos may be based in this 26,000 cycle. The winter solstice meridian [on December 21, 2012] will coincide with the Galactic [Center of] the Milky Way.
There are two more celestial features right near where the sun will be on the end-date in 2012 A.D.:
1). The'dark rift' which the Maya call 'the road to the underworld.' This is a dark area running along part of the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds; and
2) The Galactic Center.
In many mythological contexts, the 'dark-rift' is understood to be the birth canal of the Great Mother, the Milky Way. It is the birth place of the next World Age. The celestial cross defined by the Milky Way crossing over the ecliptic is also important, and this was recently identified by Mayan scholar Linda Schele as the Mayan Sacred Tree. The heart of the four-directional symbolism is the fifth direction, the center. This is the navel and source of creation. And again, the 'dark-rift' runs through all these features."
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